Single Patent Summary

Patentcloud now supports generative AI, allowing to generate patent summary and keywords from individual patent in your selected languages.

Click the Patent No. you would like to review



Enter the specific page of the patent to check the following two types of generative AI summary 


1. Summary from the full text

Click the bottom "image-png-Oct-28-2024-03-00-16-1512-AM" next to the patent number on the upper left, select the desired output language: Traditional Chinese/Simplified Chinese/English/Japanese, and click "Confirm" to generate a patent summary through AI. Summary of the Patent includes "Technical Problem", "Technical Solution" and "Keywords".



2. Claim Scope Summary

Scroll down to "Claim", click the bottom "image-png-Oct-28-2024-03-00-16-1512-AM" on the right, select the desired output language: Traditional Chinese/Simplified Chinese/English/Japanese, and click "Confirm", then you can use AI to generate the claim scope summary, which includes "Independent Claims", "Subject Matter", "Common Key Feature" and "Distinctive Features".
