How to Access QI

Get all the information you need in three steps.



Enter up to 100 patent numbers for the validity evaluation and click Search.


QI payment -new logo


Get a preview of the legal status and data availability of the patent(s) in the search results. Select the patent number(s) you wish to learn more about it, and click on the [View] button to see the overview.

QI payment - search result review


Once you open the report you can see more data about the patent. When you are ready to pay for this QI report, you can click on the [Subscription] button to select your plan.

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Select the plan

You can select between the Essential or Pro monthly subscription plan. There is also a one-time purchase option at the bottom and the report will be available in your QI account for one year. 

QI payment - pricing page


After you have selected the right plan that you wish to subscribe to, please follow the steps below to purchase a subscription to Quality Insight. 

QI payment - Shopping Cart

Please enter your credit card and your invoice information on the Payment page, including your Name, Address, and Country. 

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