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  2. Patent Vault
  3. Patent management and collaboration

Folder Management

Folder Management shows all of the user's folders, their subfolders, and the corresponding patents. 

The root folder  ()  is called Patent list, and the number beside it shows the count of unique patents the users has stored in their account — against the capacity of their Patent Vault project. The same patent or publication number saved in multiple folders will only be recorded as one (1) unique patent in a user's total.

Select any folder under Patent list and right-click to view the commands as shown below. 

  • Legal Status Monitoring: Tracks the status changes of the patents in this folder.
  • Add Folder: Adds a subfolder from the folder name the user selects and right-clicks on. Clicking on the triangle arrow beside the selected folder will show the added subfolder.
  • Delete Folder: Deletes the selected folder. To execute, click Confirm.
  • Move Folder: Moves the folder and its contents to another folder. To execute, click Confirm.
  • Copy Folder: Copies the selected folder to another folder.
  • Edit Folder: Renames the selected folder. To execute, press the enter key on the computer's keyboard.
  • Folder Color: Applies a color to the folder icons to quickly distinguish them. This is limited to four (4) choices.


Select any folder under the Patent list and access the following Folder Management functionalities as shortcuts: 

Add folder

Delete folder

Move folder to another project or as a sub-folder to another folder

Copy folder to another project or as a sub-folder to another folder

Edit folder name

Change folder color

Expand/Collapse the folder tree structure

Import patents to this folder via Excel template

Folder combination


Clicking the Folder Combination button enables the user to create a combined folder — either by union or intersection.


Users can select two or three folders to create a combined folder by union or intersection.