File Wrapper Search

This tab serves as a repository of major image file wrappers of the patent at issue, including:

  1. All versions of Patent Specifications and Claims Amendments. This helps the user trace the documents of original claims (CLM) and the amendments of claims in remarks (REM) under rejection in the prosecution history.
  2. Rejections, Remarks, and Notice of Allowance in Prosecution History. Users will find comparisons of considered prior art to the patent at issue in the non-final rejection (CTNF) and final rejection (CTFR), all of which are easily searchable via filtering by claim terms. Moreover, users will find intrinsic evidence from OAs for claim construction in the notice of allowance (NOA), terminal disclaimer filed (DIST), and request for continued examination (RCE) in the prosecution history.
  3. Petitions, Response/Reply, and Decision in Post-Grant Proceedings. Users can find comparisons of prior art to the patent by a third party at issue in request (or petitions,) determination (or decision of institution,) patent owner's remarks (or response) and certificate (or final decision) in requests for reexamination or IPR, CBM, and PGR patent reviews — all of which are easily searchable via filtering by claim terms. Users can also find claim constructions in post-grant proceedings. PTAB dockets are updated daily; reexamination files are updated only when requests and certificates of reexamination occur.

Click on the corresponding “Click to Check” button for each record to view or download the original document. Alternatively, click on the download icon to get all records.

If the original document is not yet available to download, click on the “Update & Notify” button to send a request — at no additional charge. Users will receive an email notification once the document is ready.


File Wrapper